Resep Membuat buat Kue Kering bumbu Kari

Resep membuat Kue Kering bumbu Kari
Cake Dry Ingredients Bumbu curry
125 gram wheat flour
IM curry spice 1 tablespoon
100 grams butter
3 eggs, grains, 2 to the dough, spread 1 to
75 grams grated cheese
leaves 1 tablespoon celery, finely sliced, dry in the sun to dry

How to make a spice cake dry curry

1. Mix wheat flour and curry spices, sieve
2. shake butter and egg until soft yellow and enter the cheese grater.
3. Mix all the dough, slosh with spatula
4. Justify setebal dough to 1 / 2 cm, according to the taste of the print, olesi with yellow, and taburi with sliced celery leaves.
5. Put the brass over the margarine secukupnya already be oiled, roasted on the fire is being cooked up to approximately 30 minutes.
6. Serve
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