Kue Kacang Cokelat 2
Material Cokelat Peanut Cake
75 grams of refined sugar
80 grams butter
1 egg grains, take kuningnya
chocolate pasta 2 tablespoon
200 gram wheat flour
75 grams of maize
cocoa powder 1 tablespoon
200 grams white chocolate, lelehkan
material finish nuts
25 grams butter
75 grams of refined sugar
150 grams peanuts, sangrai, finely chopped
how to make chocolate peanut butter cake
1. Dough; shake sugar, butter. and egg until soft. chocolate pasta insert, poke average.
2. Enter the wheat flour, maize, and cocoa powder that has been stirred average
3. Jelly beans: baked butter and sugar until the liquid color and colors. enter peanut ago to poke average.
4. Cook until set and lift, after the cold rounded shape.
5. Dough for decoration; chocolate pieces, small, triangular plastic insert, ditim to melt.
6. Tuang dough in the mold that has been dialasi margarine, fill with peanut butter, grilled until cooked. after conditioning with the cold dough ornament.
to 700 grams